The PPU is responsible for advising the Minister of Finance on any procurement or disposal of assets and includes:


  • Monitoring of Compliance;
  • Reviewing of the Procurement system;
  • Assessing of the impact of the Procurement system;
  • Promotion of the fundamental principles.

Our Functions


  • proposing various procurement thresholds; preparing guidelines; advising public entities; monitoring and reporting on performance; developing an annual report; facilitating the use of ICT; inspecting any procurement activity to ensure compliance; conducting contract audits;

  • conducting performance audits; e-government procurement; supplier’s database; procurement performance assessment system; capacity building and competence levels;

  • conducting training & setting mandatory training standards, setting certification requirements and developing professional development paths;

  • preparing, updating and issuing directives, instructions, guidance notes and manuals, including any other incidental documents for mandatory use;

  • issuing authorised versions of the standardised bidding documents, standard forms of contracts, pre-qualification documents, procedural forms, requests for proposals and other similar documents for mandatory use by every public entity implementing procurement;

  • listing of services and supplies in common use by more than one public entity for centralised procurement;

  • investigating at its own accord or as instructed by the Minister any matter relating to procurement to establish whether the provisions of this Act have been complied with.

Powers of PPU


The PPU can require any information, documents, records and reports in respect of any aspect of the procurement process, including cases where a breach, wrongdoing, mismanagement or collusion has been alleged, reported or proven against any public entity or any provider of service under this Act. It can also invite persons to present any information relating to procurement matters and commission or undertake investigations and institute performance audits.

If, in the discharge of its functions, the Procurement Policy Unit finds that there has been non-compliance with any provision of this Act, directives, code of procedures or guidelines made under this Act, the Minister of Finance may

  • refer the matter with recommendations to the appointing authority of the staff member for appropriate action; or

  • refer any matter of non-compliance to the Namibian Police, Anticorruption Commission or any other competent authority for investigation, when it thinks appropriate, and must inform the public entity concerned.